whats going on here

I regularily push about 250-500 gigs of music data through vocoderecords and the vocode project websites. I'd say we probably get an average of 300 downloads of new DJ mixes a month, and probably 500-700 downloads of unique music releases.

This month, out of the blue I have pushed 750 gigs of data. I went and did some digging, and one track in particular from vocoderecords.com went through the roof. Its either exteremely popular or someone is running a script.

The logs dont show any reference links from music sites, but the main link that ties all the traffic up is a series of letters and numbers - I cant did any deeper than that. Why would anyone do this to a small ass site like mine?

I do this for fun eh? so I really dont feel like having to shut down free music downloads because some asshat is having fun.


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